Our Location
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Our generous and talented volunteers knit, crochet and sew beautiful, warm wraps in organised knitting groups, at home, with friends, at community centres, libraries, schools and retirement villages.
We work with national and international aid agencies of high repute, who make sure that our wraps are delivered directly to people in areas of trauma and need.
Since 1992, we have wrapped more than 636000 people with love and warmth, in Australia and around the world. We deliver wraps to needy countries, some experiencing extreme poverty or other natural disasters, some involved in war through our network of non-government aid organisations.
Wrap with Love is a registered charity and relies on donations of time and money from individuals, NGOs and companies in order to do the essential work that we do.
Stitch Pattern Instructions This pattern was developed by Rock & Wool knitting group Rows 11 – 38 (28 rows) inclusive form pattern repeat over multiples of 14 + 1 stitches.Cast…
Stitch Pattern Instructions This pattern was developed by Rock & Wool knitting group Cast on 49 stitches. Rows 1 – 5 Knit all stitches Row 6 K3, Purl to last…
You can simply knit or crochet a square or an entire wrap. These can be delivered to the warehouse or dropped off at one of the many contact points. You can also join a knitting group: see the list of knitting groups on the WWL website, or you can start a knitting group of your own. Please email your contact details so we can add you to our mailing list.
You can use wool or acrylic or a mixture. 8ply yarn is what is generally used. For 8ply yarn use 4mm needles, you can go up to 4.5mm if your tension is tight or a smaller size if your tension is loose. The same applies to crochet hooks.
Squares should be 25cm x 25cm. A completed wrap consists of 28 squares sewn up in 4 rows of 7 squares making a wrap 100cm by 175cm. You can simply make squares and they will be matched up with other donated squares to be made into wraps. If you prefer to make a complete wrap, not made up of squares, you can use any pattern you like, as long as it is 100cm x 175cm when finished. Please see our Facebook page for pictures of examples of what others have made.
As long as the wrap is the preferred size you can use any pattern you like, visit our Facebook page where we publish a large number of pictures of wraps for ideas.
You can deliver your items to the warehouse on Wednesday and Friday between 9:30am and 2:30pm. You can also drop them off at your nearest Spotlight Store. Please remember to include your contact details so we can let you know when they arrive at the warehouse (email preferred) . If neither of the above suits, contact the warehouse during office hours and we can let you know if we have a nearby drop-off contact close to you. Alternatively, you can post items to the WWL PO Box 10, Rosebery NSW 1445.
If you are making fewer than 10 wraps, please feel free to deliver or send them to the warehouse without a label and one will be attached at the warehouse. If you make more than 10, send an email to info@wrapwithlove.org and let us know how many labels you require. Due to the high cost of postage labels can only be provided to groups and individuals who make more than 10.
Most of the registered knitting groups are listed on the WWL website along with contact details. If you cannot find one near you on the published list, please contact the warehouse there may be others that have requested not to be published.
All new knitting groups are welcomed. You can register your knitting group by emailing WWL with all the details such as when and where your group meets, coordinator’s name and contact details. Your group will be added to the list of knitting groups on the WWL website. WWL can provide materials such as brochures, knitting pattern squares and labels. The coordinator will also receive, via email, the Knitting Group and Area Contact newsletter which comes out every 2 months to keep you informed about everything that’s happening at WWL.
We welcome all new offers to become an area contact. An area contact looks after a geographical area and works to encourage makers and groups and to assist in getting the wraps to the warehouse. WWL is able to provide material such as brochures, knitting pattern squares and labels. You will also be informed through the regular Knitting Group and Area Contact newsletter which comes out every 2 months. You will receive a welcome pack with all the relevant information.
WWL welcomes new volunteers at the warehouse. You can volunteer on a Wednesday or Friday or both. You are not required to volunteer a specific or minimum number of shifts rather any time you make available is appreciated. Warehouse tasks include receiving and packing wraps, sorting donated squares, sewing on labels, making minor repairs to wraps and putting edges on wraps. There are also some office roles such as answering emails and telephone calls and managing the mailing lists. If this appeals to you drop in on a Wednesday or Friday and ask for our current chairperson.
WWL works with not-for-profit organisations and charities, nursing homes, women’s shelters and large non-government organisations to distribute the wraps. The wraps go to those in need of warmth and are given to them free of any charge. About 50% of the wraps stay in Australia with the other 50% going overseas.
Please contact WWL via email with information about your organisation, what it does and how you would like to use the wraps. You will be required to sign an undertaking that the wraps will not be sold or used for fundraising purposes and that they will be given free of charge to those in need.