Our Location

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Knit-ins for 2023

Life has returned to normal and Knit-Ins are once again being planned. Here is a list of the Knit-ins being planned by our Knitting Groups

Please let us know if you are able to hold Knit-Ins again and  information on the dates and times of Knit-ins will be posted here and on our Facebook pages with any more information.

Donations of wool, needles and squares already knitted are welcome

Please keep us posted of any changes and new knit-ins.

And we love to have photos and stories of your knit-ins.

Batemans Bay Library

12 Sep 10am – 1pm

Batemans Bay Library, Hanging Rock, Batemans Bay.

Jenny Rzepa 0414 664 077

Ryde Library Knit In

Fri 4th August 10 -2pm Contact Librarian

Uniting Church Freshwater Knit-in

25 August 10-3pm Marmora st Freshwater


More Knit-Ins will be  scheduled. Please email us when you are planning to hold one.